Even though this post is a bit late, it's that time again! School is HERE. Back to school shopping is my guilty pleasure. It's so much fun! Actually though. I get much more excited for school after I have new stuff. So, I decided to make a Top 10 Back to School Essentials list! Yay!.
My Christian Siriano for Payless bag! |
1. Backpack/Tote: I am currently in the market for a new backpack. Mine unfortunately did not make it after last year. I actually will be using a tote bag and a backpack at school. The tote for everyday class to class use that I can throw a note book, my pencil case, wallet, sunglasses, headphones, and my "go bag" in and run to class. However, I will also use a backpack for days that I may have more than one class to go to, go to the library, or to the gym.
2. Agenda: My life. I write everything in my agenda and
I think I would be so lost without it. I just bought a new one, I actually invested in a
Moleskin agenda this year from chapters. It is beautiful- it's a weekly agenda combined with a notebook and everyone should have one.
3. Laptop: Self explanatory especially if you are in University/College. However, I will say one thing. When in the market for a laptop, be sure to pick one that will work for you. I stress this because what may be good for your friends may not be good for you. Don't buy a laptop because everyone else has it, buy it because it will work for you.
4. Pencil case: Even though a pencil case may resonate with a grade school notion, they are ideal to be organized. I have a pencil case that is small and cloth which I can throw a few pens, pencils and maybe a highlighter or two in and be on my way. Chapters/Indigo/Coles has really fun ones if you are looking for something different.
5. Headphones/ earplugs: We all know those people who are extremely obnoxious in the library. I carry a pair of headphones and earplugs around just in case I run into a noisy person.
6. Notebooks/binders: Some people prefer loose sheets and binders while others prefer notebooks. I think it is really important to keep hand written notes as well as typed notes. Your brain will actually retain more knowledge if you go over what you learn right when you get home. Here is what I do. I write my notes in my notebook during lecture and when I get home I type up my notes so I can go over everything and refresh my memory :)
7. A "go bag": I think that I have mentioned a "go bag" a few times in this post. So my "go bag" is a little beauty bag I keep all my essentials in and throw in my bag everyday so I have everything I need. I am actually working on a "How to Create Your Go Bag" post so stay tuned for that!
My Tiger USB! |
8. USB/Hardrive: USBs and hardrives are really important especially for students. Having a hardrive is a priority because the worst thing is to have your laptop crash the night before an exam ( I speak of personal experience). With a hardrive, you can regularly backup your notes and be safe! The second thing is a USB stick. I own two; one is a small 1GB memory stick I keep in my pencil case and the other is slightly bigger as an 8GB I keep at home for file transfers and last minute backups. P.s you can find really adorable USB sticks. For example, my 1GB looks like a tiger... yes, a tiger.
9. Books/Magazines/DVDs: Always, ALWAYS, have a book, movie or magazine you can pick up and read/watch as a break from school. It is extremely important to balance your life with your academics. Taking an hour break from your studies is healthy so do it.
10. Storage drawers: Organization for students makes academic life a lot easier. Having an organized work space and a clear space to work will allow you to be more productive. I have a bunch of small 3-tier drawer organizers I put my paper and pencils to clear up room on my desk.
Hopefully you all have your back to school essentials ready to go! If not, steal from my list. Go on, I dare you.