Every week I will be posting and talking about a few posts from other blogs or websites that I think are fun, handy, and worth sharing with you guys. One of this week's post actually comes from my roommate who sent this to me this morning (Hi Natalie). This post on Chapters/Indigo website shows 6 different ways to use mason jars. We are all accustomed to seeing mason jars used for storage but here they suggest alternative ways and one that I am especially loving is the idea to fill your drinks in the jars which could be really fun for girls night or a BBQ!
photocredit: lovemaegan |
The original one I was going to share with you guys was a DIY from Love Maegan. Since I love it, I'm going to share it anyway. It's a DIY tutorial on making your own rose gold bracelet. I can't wait to try this. Luckily I have all the tools and material at home so it should be fast an easy. If you are looking for a place to buy the materials I would check out stores like Wal Mart and Michaels, or if you have a local beading store they would have the supplies as well. Either way, this is a really easy way to make your own jewellery.
Click here to see the DIY!
Lastly for this week I wanted to share "15 Delightfully Geeky Wedding Invitations" from Mental Floss. If you appreciate the geek side of life then I guarantee you will love these. I think they are so fun, witty, and not to mention a unique way to tell everyone about your wedding date. If you are the right couple I say why not! My personal favorites from the website are the View Master, Mario's End Level Scene, Pacman and of course, being such a jukie, the Harry Potter Marauders Map!
Click here to see the full set of 15!
There you go! My three posts of the week. Hope you guys enjoy them and let me know what you think!
Dibs on the view master!