Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Name Game

I thought I would dive in and talk more in-depth about the name of my blog. I wanted to think of something clever but equally witty that would describe and what this blog is all about. I thought about what I wanted readers to think at first glance and what I wanted them to know about me. I came up with A Byte Of Simplicity.

It made sense to me in the end, I didn't want the blog to be scattered and confusing, I wanted it to be clear cut and understandable, a place where "my girl" could come and find everything she was looking for. Hence, Simplicity.

The Byte came in after. I originally wanted it to be "The Bite of Simplicity." But it wasn't personal enough for me. I really want my readers to know me for who I am. As a media student, I put a play on Bite into Byte. A Byte, for those who don't know, is a unit of digital measure in computing. A byte is the number of bits used to encode a single character of information into a computer. One byte is equalled to 8 bits. Therefore, this blog represents the 8 bits of me. Each category you see represents a part of me/something I'm interested in: Fashion, Beauty, Entertainment, Top 10s, Student Life, Around the World, Life (as in mine), Posts of the Week. This is where the name of the blog comes in. The "8 bits of my life" as I like to call them. 8 bits = 1 byte. A Byte of Simplicity.

I wanted to find a picture that represented simplicity for me and chose this.
This is simplicity.

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